
Monday, June 23, 2008

Free iPod Music Downloads - Real Or Not?

Sites offering free iPod music downloads are appearing all over the internet everyday. But if you were to take a closer look at them, one thing you must find out is whether they are legal music downloads. Everyone likes free stuff including free iPod music downloads. The sad truth is quite a number of these sites are illegal and violate copyright laws by uploading patented or copyright music without permission from the record labels or music companies. There are only a few sites where you truly can get hold of free iPod music downloads.

Recently, there were reports on the TV and newspapers regarding people facing lawsuits filed by the RIAA (Recording Industry Association for America) for uploading copyrighted music for others to download. These people may face fines in the range of thousands. It seems that those who supported these offenders by downloading free iPod music downloads could be implicated. These are the free music sites that cost you absolutely nothing to download. But there are the risks of getting caught of course.

However, there remain ways in which a person can download free or rather almost free iPod music downloads without getting into trouble with the law.

The first thing you should be looking for is sites that have a membership system. For you to be a member of these sites, you have to pay a one-time membership fee, about $40 over to join. After that, you are free to download as much music as you want to your iPod. At present, this seems to be an increasingly popular alternative to sites like iTunes, WalMart, eMusic, etc which operates their business on a pay-per-download system. There are occasions you can find iTunes offering certain songs for free downloading but such occasions are really rare. Registering with a paid membership site is still more cost effective for free iPod music downloads. Period.

So it is not wrong for anyone to say that downloading iPod music at these online membership sites is free afterall. It is simple maths that the more you download, the average cost per piece of music goes down and down until you reach a point where the cost per download is almost zero. For example, I paid $40 for the lifetime membership and download close to 2000 songs. Each song cost me 2 cents per song only. Free iPod music downloads is within reach as we download more.

In everything, there are the good ones and the not-so-good sites. But generally, these are the few factors you need to watch out for. The sites must offer a wide selection of all kinds of music giving you a personalized feel when you download music at these download sites. Everyone must be able to find their favorite music there. With millions of songs in store at several popular and reliable sites, it is almost a certainty that you would find what you are looking for. The technical and customer support must be top-notch and assist you should you face any difficulty in downloading music from their sites to your iPod.

Free iPod music downloads do not only mean they cost nothing. They must also be free from adware, spyware and viruses so that you can download them with a peace of mind. Only when these download sites satisfy these conditions are they considered worthy to join. Read up a review on my music blog to find out which sites are great places for free iPod music downloads.

The content of this article is provided for the purpose of education and illustration only and is in no way associated with Apple, iTune, or any company or subsidiary of Apple. This article may be freely reprinted or distributed in its entirety in any ezine, newsletter, blog or website. The name of the author, bio and website links must remain intact and be included with every reproduction.

Davion is an iPod fanatic. Find out how you can access unlimited ipod downloads instantly - digital quality music, full length movies, TV shows and videos easily from home. Also, read another of his popular article on iPod music downloads.

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Making PC to Phone VoIP Calls over Dial-Up Internet Connections

Theres a lot of hype these days surrounding Internet-based voice communications (VoIP) replacing traditional telephone service. Most of this revolves around companies such as Vonage who coin themselves as the Broadband Phone Company? So what about those of us who dont have a broadband connection? Just because you dont have high speed Internet, doesnt mean that you cant save a fortune by using VoIP for your long-distance calls. Whilst a broadband connection will usually result in more consistent VoIP call quality, comparable results can be achieved using a dial-up connection provided some simple guidelines are followed.

Shop Around

Not all VoIP service providers support dial-up users. Companies such as Vonage bill themselves as alternatives to traditional telephone service and shy away from the dial-up community (who are tied to those traditional?networks to access the Internet). Furthermore, some service providers only support dial-up above a certain speed (e.g., 56Kbp). Two companies whose VoIP softphone applications work well over low speed connections include Callserve and Go2Call.

Free-up?your System Resources

In order to ensure the highest call quality, close programs that are running in the background? For Windows users, these applications can be seen in the taskbar at the bottom right of your screen. Right-click?the icons and close those programs that arent critical to system security (e.g., dont close anti-virus software, firewall applications and the like).

If youre using Windows XP with user switching enabled, log off all users except the one that will be used to make the call. This will prevent the other user identities from running software and/or using your bandwidth while youre making calls.

Free Up?your Internet Connection

Given the limited data capacity of dial-up connections, its important that you devote as much of your bandwidth as possible to the VoIP softphone application. To achieve maximum call quality, dont do anything that uses your bandwidth whilst making calls. This includes instant messaging, checking email, using a webcam, browsing the internet, downloading, etc. In Windows, you can look at the two little computers in the bottom right of your taskbar to see whether your connection is being used prior to calling (the little computers illuminate when data is being uploaded and/or downloaded).

Scan your System for Viruses, Spyware, Adware and Malware

Some of these malicious programs can hijack your browser, tie up your internet connection and slow down your system (not to mention seriously invade your privacy!). I recommend AdAware for free scanning and removal of Spyware/Adware. Once youve checked and cleansed your system of these nasty programs, your virus definition files should be updated to minimize the chances of re-infection.

Use a Headset with an Integrated Boom Microphone

Last but not least, using a headset with a boom microphone should eliminate those annoying voice echoes often associated with PC to Phone calls. Echoes are caused by your microphone detecting the voice coming from your computer speakers and re-transmitting that voice signal back to the person youre talking to. By using a headset, the voice signals are limited in volume (due to the headset being directly adjacent to your ears) and thus the chances of your microphone re-transmitting?those voice signals is greatly reduced.

So there you have it. A Lack of high speed Internet neednt mean a lack of PC to Phone VoIP capability.

Nathan Smith

Nathan is the owner of which deals specifically with PC to Phone and PC to PC VoIP. The site includes a comprehensive directory of PC to Phone service providers as well as information on VoIP and what you need to make inexpensive long-distance telephone calls using your computer

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